Page name: I hate hate [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-12 00:46:58
Last author: zoloftzantac
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Sound ironic? It is, we're not really "hating" hate, but trying to make a point about how hate is the most ugly thing in this world.


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2005-12-18 [DRACE]: *pulls a burr out of his tail, looks at it, studying its surface, then flings it across the way at [Kagomeyasha]* ;p lol

2005-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: ahhh! my eye! x_O

2005-12-18 [Kagomeyasha]: *gets hit the eye.....screams...dies*

2005-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: *shifty eye*

2005-12-18 [DRACE]: *looks up, sighs and shakes his head, continues to de-burr his tail...*

2005-12-18 [Kagomeyasha]: x_X;

2005-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: i wish i had a tail...

2005-12-18 [DRACE]: *gets up and walks over to [Kagomeyasha], wraps his arms around her and gives her a hug, then walks back to his wall and continues pulling burrs from his once neat tail...*

2005-12-18 [Kagomeyasha]: *blinks* I've been hugged. It was a hug and run!! *points dramatically*

2005-12-18 [lustful.hearts]: *laughs sooooo much then passes out* x__x

2005-12-18 [Kagomeyasha]: *blinks* shiiit. >>;

2005-12-18 [DRACE]: well rose u should tthink yourself lucky, i saw this lady the other day laugh so hard that she pissed herself...

2005-12-18 [Kagomeyasha]: oo; Yuckiez.

2005-12-18 [DRACE]: yer... the poor lady was wearing white pants so when it happened u could see yellow streaks...

2005-12-18 [zoloftzantac]: Wow, 4 pages of comments today! *wonders if he can make a reply to a comment from 4 pages back and have anyone knw what the hell he is talking about*

2005-12-18 [zoloftzantac]: My [can of fruit] posting was my version of a joke. While the joke was not supposed to be at anyone's expense, it does reflect my sentiment that "agree to disagree" can't always work, and doesn't always make sense. *tries to catch up on the last 4 pages* Everyone is welcome to debate away here (or make any post they like) as much as they like. It is no headache for me as long as things don't get out of control

2005-12-18 [L V F]: -pokes [Kagomeyasha]-

2005-12-18 [Kagomeyasha]: *bleeds on [L V F]* You poked me too hard. TT_TT;

2005-12-18 [lustful.hearts]: *fingers start tewitchind as im still passed out and if no one saves me ill die*

2005-12-18 [BlindGuardian]: *Gets the "it's not a headache" comment thankfully ^_^

2005-12-19 [lustful.hearts]: haha

2005-12-19 [mooncat]: it amazes the nonsense for 4 pages

2005-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: Yeah, there has been a whole lot of nothin' going on here ;) *trips over a passed out -black_rose-*

2005-12-19 [DRACE]: lol

2005-12-19 [L V F]: OOps... sry kagome. -helps black rose-

2005-12-19 [Kagomeyasha]: Sugar spice, and everything nice, wasn't meant for only girls!!!

2005-12-19 [catelf]: I love that song.

2005-12-19 [RabidSphinx]: But the atmosphere is so much nicer with all the "non-sense" rather than the bickering ‎right? :/‎

2005-12-19 [Savage_Reality]: yay! *hands out cherry, banna, lemon, lime, orange, grape, and strawberry flavoured lolly pops*

2005-12-19 [RabidSphinx]: i have dibs on the strawberry!

2005-12-19 [L V F]: I call banana!

2005-12-19 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: LOL! I'l take the grape!

2005-12-19 [Savage_Reality]: *hands out a strawberry lolly to RD, a banana one to HF, and a grape lolly to LG*

2005-12-20 [lustful.hearts]: * wakes up* whaty what ohhh i want lime please

2005-12-20 [The Knight]: *Looks left and right in surprise* Wehre has the debate gone...?

2005-12-20 [lustful.hearts]: hmmmm idk a peace has settled among us

2005-12-20 [HowlofDoom]: ?????

2005-12-20 [lustful.hearts]: never mind

2005-12-20 [HowlofDoom]: i guess i'd have to be there to have understood ay?

2005-12-20 [Kagomeyasha]: I Hate Hate!! :D

2005-12-20 [zoloftzantac]: Yeah, the debate kinda got lost in the fluff. (but I think we needed a break to lighten up a bit) I have a question for you guys. I found The True Prep haters and I don't think I get it at all. Anyone have any insight as to why someone might hate preps? I was a bit of a freak in my youth (not any more tho ;) so I didn't have many friends, and even fewer prep friends, but I didn't know anyone who hated preps.

2005-12-20 [catelf]: Maybe because from what I understand about the 'prep' stereotype, they generally hate everyone else, who isn't like them? I don't know.

2005-12-20 [L V F]: I hate prepas cause they hate me and are bitchs to me.

2005-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: The term "prep" was coined in the 80's on college campuses. It referred to the richest of ‎the student body who wore tennis shoes, white shorts, pastel polo shirts, and sweaters tied ‎either around the shoulders or waist. It was a name for the *style* of clothing, which then ‎leaked into the high-school scene in the early 90's. When "grunge" swept the teen circuit ‎in the mid-90’s, the "preps" became anyone that was "clean-cut" or "rich”. They tended ‎to reject the grungy teens, and thus started the stereotype of them not liking anyone that ‎wasn't like them. That is the history of it at least. And [L V F] I do not think that is a ‎good thing. (to hate because you are hated)

2005-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: ............that would be like me saying “I hate blacks because they tried to murder me and my ‎brother”. True or not, that isn’t right.‎ :/

2005-12-20 [L V F]: I treat people the way they treat me.

2005-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: which only harbors more hate....hate met with hate does not stop hate

2005-12-20 [L V F]: I know that. But i just dont care anymore. Im sick of people. Most people i know are not honerable or nice. Or have a code of ethics. They are druggies that will kill ya for a pill. The only good people i know are my parents my fiance and evreybody online that i have met.

2005-12-20 [lustful.hearts]: seee i dont steryotype people i have an anti steriotype wiki called anti-stereotypes cause i hate it ewhen someone says they hate like one prep then assume all preps are the same..........also can some one tell me how you delet an unwanted member of a wiki's messages

2005-12-20 [Kagomeyasha]: Umm, Everyone's always going to make stereo types. The name just changes a little. You don't hate the "Preps" You hate the person, if you can even call it hate. Cause not all of them hate you. Most of them don't even know you. And like most people, they're too full of themselves to be friends with someone that's "wierd" or "not popular". People need to get over themselves.

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: hmmm ... so, again with the old man thing ;) when I was in high school (1989-1993 ) I don't think we called anyone "preps" but I guess they would have been the group of people who were very clean cut, who were really into school and school stuff and being popular, who kinda looked down on "non-prep" kids? I do remember lots of dumb little groups and people were always trying to put me into some of them. (rocker, stoner, whatever) I like [lustful.hearts]'s anti-stereotypes wiki, I think stereotypes are lame.

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: catelf asked, "they generally hate everyone else, who isn't like them?" So maybe these are the future neo-cons, republicans and conservatives? Those *sterotypes* tend to reject people who are differant. I know it is hard to not be angry with people who have mistreated you (I'll save that one for another time) but it should be clear that there are assholes in the world who will misstreat you. After that, it is very easy to think, hey this guy kinda reminds me of that one asshole, so I'll treat him like I would treat that other asshole.

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: but like [RabidSphinx] said, that over-generalization isn't true, or right, and it *does* harbor more hate, cotributing more anger and hate and negativity to the world, and making the world an uglier place. I think [Kagomeyasha] is right that there will always be sterotypes and when she said, "You don't hate the "Preps" You hate the person". So I say to [L V F], take care when you, "... treat people the way they treat (you)" that you are treating individuals the way they have treated you, and not overgeneralizing to whole groups of (innocent) people.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: what ever happened to "treating others like you want to be treated"? and hey, i will stand here and take offence to what you said Zoloft: as a Conservative, AND a republican, what you said in itself was an overgeneralization and steriotype.

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: You are correct on both counts. My, " (I'll save that one for another time)" Comment was a direct referance to the next step of "treating others like you want to be treated". That is a nice place for us all to end up, but I was trying to take the smaller step of not hating a whole group of people, which for some is a big enough step in itself.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: i treat others as i wish to be treated, but it doesn't really work if you are the only one following it you know? it sort of makes you a doormat for everyone else to step on...><...i keep on trucking though

2005-12-21 [BlindGuardian]: Due to your Bible mood in another wiki, what does Jesus say about that?

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: and I did admit that my "neo-cons, republicans and conservatives" comment was sterotypical. It is an over generalization, and you can take offence to it if you like, but all I said was they "tend to reject people who are differant" and I stand by that. In fact, I could have said they tend to reject *everything* that is differant. If your i hate homosexuality wiki isn't a good enough example then I'll come up with some more.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: different is not always "right". a line has to be drawn somewhere. if not at homosexuality, then at another lifestyle, and those people who live that lifestyle would be outraged just as much...............BUT, if you do not stand your ground in what you believe is right, you are nothing. (we can all agree on that much at least right?) i drew it (along with others) at Homosexuality. if it is acceptable, what will be "accepibal" next? incest? i hope not

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: Well, the line has been drawn in many places over the years, consider how American conservatives had fought to keep black and white segragation. They also fought against equal rights based on sex, race and sexual preferance. I am not making a judment, or saying they are bad people, or less valuable people, but I think the nature of being conservative itself is to reject change.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: it is a "if it's not broke, don't fix it" mentality, but hardly something to scarf at. i have nothing ainst blacks...yet i'm a conservative. you saying i don't support change is like saying all germans are nazies...(which i am german, so i can say that is not true either.)

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: and please check out this: if you think conservatives do not like change, you are sadly missinformed

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: I have seen you make comparisons between homosexuality and incest a few times now. They are *not* even close to the same. Incest is the rape of child by someone whom that child should be able to trust more than anyone else. It is the ultimate betrayal. Homosexuality is the consentual love making of two adults. You can draw your line were ever you like, but your suggestion that accepting the consentual love making of two adults will lead to the acceptance of raping children is unreasonable.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: that is not true. incest is the act of sex between to blood-related people. incest happens between mothers/sons, brother/sister, brother/brothers, father/daughters, cousins...any form of family. and it is not always rape. actually, MANY times, it is consentual on BOTH parts, much like homosexuality is it not? the "love making" between "two consentual adults" whether they be the same sex, or related, is pervers and wrong. and they are very *MUCH* the same thing! A sexually based perverion. you clearly lack understanding on what "incest" is if you simply think it is a father raping a daughter or something along those lines.

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: I never scarfed (or scoffed ;) at anything. You identified your self with some of these sterotypes. I never said being pro-segragation made one anti-black, and I never said you don't support change. I am "sadly missinofrmed" am i :) Your own graphic says, conservatives, "Feel strongly about making policy that maintains tradional values." I read this to mean they fight to maintain the status quo. The only way to do this is to resist change.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: traditional values are what we base our laws off of, but that does not mean we do not make new laws, just that we take into acount tradition. We make laws without our tradition in them, the chart simply says we take them "into account' rather than throw the out the window. (yeah, i notided the typo, but Ep is being difficult and wouldn't let me go back and edit for a while. i got annoyed and gave

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: Your "you clearly lack understanding" type of comments are not constructive. It is true, I did lack an understandin of what you meant by incest. You could try to correct a person with out belittling them, you know?. If by incest you are talking about two concenting, sound minded adults who choose to share a bed with each other, and happen to be cousins, then how is that any of my business? I'm not for changing the laws, the are in place for good reason, but this is none of my business.

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: "yeah, i notided the typo" hehe. sorry, I'm not picking on you, I'm just easily amused. Today you are spelling almost as bad as me. :)

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: did my frustraition come across harshly? forgive me, i'm in one of my moods. but saying someone who lacks understanding "lacks understanding" is not an insult, it is an observation. >> because it is a perversion, and detracts from the moral fiber of all of society (and there are laws against incest, why not homosexuality?)

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: oh, my spelling is quite possibly worse. i didn't take it as an insult, merely tried to sooth my own ego by pointing out that i had seen it, so no one would think i honestly did not notice it...>> as i try to be, i still can't spell, (or type sometimes...>> )

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: There are many laws against homosexual sex in the US, The U.S. Supreme Court killed them in 2003 but 14 U.S states still have (currently un-enforcable) laws that outlaw "gay" sex. The laws were overruled by the courts because they were deemed unfair.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: i am awear of that. thus why i said "there are laws against incest, why not Homosexuality?" i was all for the restrictions, and all for more restrictions

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: Oh, I see.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: :/ anyways....BACK TO PREPS!!! lol...okay, beyond my little history lesson (that i learned because of my obsession with fashion) Preps are no different than any other labeled group. Emos are the same, so are goths, so are stoners. they all feel that everyone *else* judges/steriotypes them unfairly while doing it right back to others. (an example would be a certain someone writing they "hate preps" on their house, then turn around and say they hate labels)

2005-12-21 [lustful.hearts]: wow

2005-12-21 [mooncat]: raindrop you hate people for an choice they make in their own life that has nothing to do with you... act on your own words.. treat others how you want to be treated... stop hating homosexuality

2005-12-21 [Kagomeyasha]: [zoloftzantac], Your amazing. Just thought that you would like to know that...cause you are. :D

2005-12-21 [BlindGuardian]: Only one comment on the former discusion: " different is not always "right" ". I think it would be nice to point out that different is not always "wrong" either. And regarding stereotypes, I noticed something interesting... you said "Emos are the same, so are goths, so are stoners. they all feel that everyone *else* judges/steriotypes them unfairly while doing it right back to others. ".. Funny that you said "they all feel...". *non-retorical question, I would like you to answer*. How exactly do you know how "all of them feel"? (Human mind is tricky, huh?)

2005-12-21 [lustful.hearts]: that is tricky to [mooncat] as much as i am for homosexuals you cant make people like them it is one persons choice how they feel if [raindrop] wants todislike homosexuals that is very much soo her own decision

2005-12-21 [L V F]: -watchs0

2005-12-21 [catelf]: Can we clear up the 'conservative' thing, please? Conservatives believe in traditional values - so they resist change, unless the change is to return to traditional values (in which case it might not be considered change, I suppose). And a noticeable difference between incest and gay sex is to do with survival of the species - gay sex has no effect on the survival of the species (unless you're fussing over 'wasted sperm' or something). If children are produced in incest, however, they are likely to be disabled or ill - not good for the overall health of the species. (I'm taking this from a stone-age situation, which is, after all, where most of this came from.)

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: Back to PREPS! lol. People label, it is what we DO. I mean, we name animals, plants, ‎races...and inevitably, groups of people with shared interests. I do not understand what all ‎the hype is about when people say they "hate preps" or "emos" or any one group. I mean, ‎that is so overly generalized it's stupid. I mean, they share a common like/pastime (as in ‎clothing or music) but they are still people. They still have a race, a religion, a ‎nationality...I mean, I "know" how each group feels because I am a teenage human, and ‎so are they. We share much the same feelings/experiences, just not the same taste in ‎music and movies. Gosh.‎

2005-12-21 [BlindGuardian]: I did not ask how do you know how they feel, I asked how can you know how "all of them" feel. Teenagers as they (and you and me) are, they are individuals, and at least some of them may think or feel different than the rest, even different that the rest of the group they belong to. So it's very unlikely that you can know how "they all feel". Got it now?

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: i'm sorry, was i talking to you? i believe i was just continuing a debate, not addressing anyone specific. please, do the same and stay on topic. have something to say to ME, address me in PM.

2005-12-21 [BlindGuardian]: ¬¬

2005-12-21 [catelf]: EDIT: Since the only reply my previous post would have got is the 'PM me' one, I think I'll do that instead of posting to a general debate.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: BACK TO PREPS! >>; if all that makes them different is their clothing (not lifestyle, religion, race, ect.) then strip everyone down nakid... ><

2005-12-21 [BlindGuardian]: *I would not PM you because I thought our opinions were worth sharing with the group, and would make other interesting opinions come up.* o.O deja-vu...

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: then we would all be nakid...and it would be funny

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: I'd rather not have every side discussion have to been taken out of here and into PMs. The would exclude the rest of the members from the discussion. (we do have a few lurkers who speak up every once in a while)

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: i would rather any "side discussion" that focuses on me be taken into PM, where i can actually answer them (since i'm not online but for an hour a day most days) rather than have others comment on my behalf, or against me, while i am not here. the debate is Preps, not RD, remember? i am not a sub-division of "prep" in this debate...><;

2005-12-21 [BlindGuardian]: *stands up and bows on [zoloftzantac]. Then looks at the dark corner where [L V F]'s eyes are glowing* :)

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: [catelf]: I agree with your summary of "the 'conservative' thing". However, I'm not sure how true it really is that incest has to result in birth defects. (it is just something I don't know anything about)

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: [RabidSphinx], if you claim to know how another group feels I think it should be okay for someone to question that. I mean really, how can you really know?

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: i already explained that. read up

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: um, no, I don't think you did. Just because you are a teenager doesn't mean you know how all teenagers feel. For example, I was anti-social enough that I had very few frinds in high school. I was beaten up a few times, and after that I started hanging out in the "stoner" group for my protection (as a pacifist I wouldn't fight back) I ended up being almost as angry with my adopted group as I was with the people I was protecting myself from. So you see, others in my own group felt very differntly then I did, so it is very hard to say you know how a "group" feels.

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: you guys are nitpicking again on wording and missing my POINT. okay, i do not know what ALL teenagers fucking think...that was not the point. my point was, we were all teenagers, under what we wear and what music we listen to, and i can relate to them all, and say that it should matter more about WHO we are, not how we DRESS. Gosh you people are thick. and yes, you saw my point Zolots, it is just a name we gave a GROUP, not what any of those people THINK! i know preps more depressed than goths, and emos, more peppy than anyone. ><!!!

2005-12-21 [BlindGuardian]: "they all feel that everyone *else* judges/steriotypes them unfairly while doing it right back to others. ". This is your comment, [RabidSphinx], which made me question how you know that, and I would kindly ask you not to generalise, for the sake of those goths, emos and preps who do not feel that way. I was not nitpicking you, I was going back to *my* point, which you so dutifully evaded.

2005-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: Comments like, "was i talking to you?" and "you people are thick" aren't very nice or constructive. Maybe we did miss your point, but communication is a two way street (so both people are responsible for misuderstandings) I agree that if they all took off their clothes then they would be naked, sure, but don't think that would make them all the same, because as *I* was trying to say, even the people in the same group are already not the same.

2005-12-22 [lustful.hearts]: see the whole prep thing is well i dont mind when peole label somone but the whole steritype of "all prepsa are the exact sam ohhh god that pisses me off"

2005-12-22 [catelf]: [zoloftzantac] - I had a look at wikipedia on the subject of incest and birth defects: this article - - is worth a read. I'm not sure whether some of it leaves my argument invalid or not.

2005-12-22 [Kagomeyasha]: *raises hand* I'm a teenager, and I don't feel like that. *shifty eyes*

2005-12-22 [RabidSphinx]: it is interesting, in a disterbing mannor.

2005-12-22 [RabidSphinx]: here is something for the little "prep"/labeling debate we were/are having: <img:>

2005-12-22 [BlindGuardian]: ¬¬

2005-12-22 [zoloftzantac]: the link to that image is broken

2005-12-23 [zoloftzantac]: Wow, great article [catelf], this re-enforces my idea that incest is simply taboo, and none of my business. It outlines how the genetic risks are often overstated, as I expected. What is taboo ranges from culture to culture, I had no idea that in countries as large as China and India a marriage to someone with the same last name would be considered incestuous. A very interesting read.

2005-12-23 [lustful.hearts]: ummmmm...................

2005-12-23 [zoloftzantac]: to taboo or not to taboo, that is the question ...

2005-12-23 [lustful.hearts]: lol sounds fun

2005-12-23 [RabidSphinx]: doh! i'll fix it. i forgot that i moved the image in my PB account...>< forgive me.

2005-12-23 [lustful.hearts]: alright

2005-12-23 [Kagomeyasha]: Poopy.

2005-12-23 [RabidSphinx]: ?

2005-12-23 [HowlofDoom]: .....?

2005-12-23 [RabidSphinx]: i ficked the avatar...>>;

2005-12-23 [HowlofDoom]: ????

2005-12-23 [Kagomeyasha]: You ficked it? XD

2005-12-23 [RabidSphinx]: O_O; my god...i did...>>;

2005-12-24 [Kagomeyasha]: Yup, you sure did! XD

2005-12-24 [lustful.hearts]: yup

2005-12-25 [zoloftzantac]:

Happy Holidays everybody!

2005-12-25 [Kagomeyasha]: *dance dance*

2005-12-26 [lustful.hearts]: merry holidays to you too

2005-12-28 [HowlofDoom]: wow

2005-12-28 [Savage_Reality]: what did everyone get for x-mas?

2005-12-29 [Kagomeyasha]: Your mom. >>;

2005-12-29 [zoloftzantac]: * tryin' not to laugh *

2005-12-29 [L V F]: wow kagome... lol

2005-12-29 [Kagomeyasha]: I charish her, so you've got nothing to worry about. ^_^;

2005-12-30 [lustful.hearts]: i got an ipod nano and i a digital video camera and other stuff but those were my favorites

2005-12-30 [L V F]: I got alot of wicca stuff plus an ipod vidio.

2005-12-30 [lustful.hearts]: sweet

2005-12-30 [L V F]: I love this ipod lol

2005-12-30 [lustful.hearts]: i wanted one of those

2005-12-30 [L V F]: Its nice cause u can know wat song is gonna play next

2005-12-30 [lustful.hearts]: sweet

2005-12-30 [Kagomeyasha]: >;;;;

2005-12-30 [lustful.hearts]: lol

2005-12-30 [Kagomeyasha]: Umm....How is everyone? *unsure tone*

2005-12-30 [lustful.hearts]: good good

2005-12-30 [Kagomeyasha]: Cooool1

2005-12-31 [zoloftzantac]: Hello all, I've been working on a ways to keep I hate hate more organized. This new page I Hate Hate News is an organized way to keep and easily link to articals that we discuss here. It also allows us to share links to articals that we have talked about or want to talk about with a short link like this I hate hate News#1.

2005-12-31 [lustful.hearts]: alright cool

2006-01-03 [BlindGuardian]: Hello, being that there is no much discussion during vacations (and that discussions will probably be hold on the newly-created forum), please drop by Lovers Pride and tell me what you think ^^

2006-01-04 [catelf]: Yup, I like it. More intelligent comments when I've had another cup of tea.

2006-01-07 [Panda-monium]: hmmm

2006-01-10 [zoloftzantac]: I just happened to be looking around mainstuff this morning and I noticed it is [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]'s birthday today. Happy Birthday!

2006-01-13 [Kagomeyasha]:


2006-01-13 [zoloftzantac]: [violent_j_420] has been killing wiki pages today. It took me longer to report him to the guards then it did to restore the page. I wonder why his mother didn't give him enough love as a child ... this wiki is now editable only by members to stop this in the future. Anyone may still join, but they can't add themselves, we will see how this goes

2006-01-13 [L V F]: -hugs to all-

2006-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: I never password or protect my pages...first, it takes 2 clicks to restore the page, and ‎secondly, I DARE people to try and f*ck with my page. If they do, guess who is getting ‎banned for wiki deletion? ^^ ahh, sweet justice and EP is saved from another assh*le...^^‎

2006-01-13 [Kagomeyasha]: XD

2006-01-13 [zoloftzantac]: [RabidSphinx]: maybe you're right. I really didn't want to have to protect the page. I think I'll put it back to free edit mode. P.S. All members are welcome to join the discussion in the new forum. <forum:secret forum>

2006-01-14 [Hefru_Maru]: This is awsome. I'm so glad someone came up with something like this ^-^ How can I join?

2006-01-14 [zoloftzantac]: You just did. :) Welcome to our newset member, [Hefru_Maru]! The only rule is that you please respectful when speaking to our other members. I'm sure you will find people who disagree with you here, and hate is a touchy subject, so being respectful is important for keeping our discussions under control. Welcome!

2006-01-14 [RabidSphinx]: see, i love to help out the people that really really really want to be banned you know? ^^

2006-01-17 [Hefru_Maru]: Will do zoloftzantac n.n Hello all! n.n

2006-01-18 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome to [Ponch], our newest member! All general chat can be done right here in the wiki, and topic discussions are in the forum here <forum:secret forum> Please follow our only rule; to please be respectful when speaking to our other members. It is likely that you will meet people here who disagree with you, and since hate is such a touchy subject, being respectful is important for keeping our discussions under control. Welcome! :)

2006-01-19 [Hefru_Maru]: Welcome!!!

2006-01-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: well, i just had a run in with the homosexual bashing wiki. they are so close minded.

2006-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: i just sent him here...aren't i a glutton for punishment...^^

and be careful [Lyon Armonial the healer] calling members "closeminded" here is considered "insulting" and is not allowed. simply check you hate at the door and agree to disagree

2006-01-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: ERG.....

2006-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: i know, i know, i'm annoying. did i not point out that i too am a member of this wiki and i too hate hate?

2006-01-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: so many things i could say, and you already know what they are....just realize that! particularly the part about hating hate....ha.

2006-01-20 [BlindGuardian]: Come on, I do not think "close minded" is actually an insult.

2006-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: i know what you're saying. nothing dozens of people have not said to me before. maybe someday you will see what they see in me, and accept me too...^^

2006-01-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: thank you is a state of aditutde

2006-01-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: i would go into one of my rants, but some may not liuke it

2006-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: if used in a degrating way it is insulting. G2G

2006-01-20 [BlindGuardian]: (G2G??) I don't think it was used in a degrating way, but an opinion on the contents.

2006-01-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: she is going home from the lybrary. correct guardian.

2006-01-20 [BlindGuardian]: oh, got 2 go. Got it now :)

2006-01-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: yeah

2006-01-20 [Kagomeyasha]: ....

2006-01-20 [zoloftzantac]: Greetings to our newest member, [Lyon Armonial the healer]! (you know, more than a few of our members have found there way here after finding i hate homosexuality) The only rule we have hear is that you please be respectful of others. We have many members who strongly disagree with each other, so respect is important for keeping our discussions under control. Welcome :)

2006-01-20 [BlindGuardian]: *Hugs zoloftzantac* Isn't this guy wonderful? *weeps. Her pregnancy hormones are getting into her brainzzz :P*

2006-01-20 [zoloftzantac]: About closed mindedness, I don't think it is insulting, anyone who does think so must be making a judgement that closed mindedness is a negative thing. Still, maybe it would be more respectful to others to say you feel someone is being closed minded vs saying there *are* closed minded ...

2006-01-20 [zoloftzantac]: *returns a big hug* thanks [BlindGuardian]! By the way, did I ever tell you how sexy I think pregnant women are? (oops, did I say that out loud? :)

2006-01-20 [Kagomeyasha]: He is pretty amazing. *nods* and I agree with everything that he just said.

2006-01-20 [zoloftzantac]: [Kagomeyasha], I saw you stick your head in for a sec, hows things? I can't keep up with your house :) but I want to because I like to see your photos. How about that idea of a [Kagomeyasha]'s photo gallery wiki?

2006-01-20 [zoloftzantac]: *goes to i hate homosexuality to see what went on with [Lyon Armonial the healer] and [RabidSphinx]* hmmm ... I didn't see any of his posts there, but then, most of mine were deleted so who knows ...

2006-01-21 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome to our newest member, [Lady Raven]! :) Please be respectful of others. Welcome!

2006-01-21 [Hefru_Maru]: They deleted your posts? XD Sorry but i think that's kinda funny. What'd you write?

2006-01-21 [Lady Raven]: ^.^ Thank you! and of course! I also would like to know what you said.

2006-01-21 [Hefru_Maru]: Oh yea, Welcome FMA Freak! ^-^ -waves-

2006-01-21 [zoloftzantac]: I belive I was always calm, rational and respectful. I was just getting on [RabidSphinx]'s nerves because I was writing a book on her wiki every night when she was off-line.

2006-01-21 [Lady Raven]: *waves back* Hello! And I see... yes, you always seem respectful to me...

2006-01-21 [zoloftzantac]: I wanted to talk about hate more than homosexuality. I have always thought hate was the most ugly thing in the world. I would try to get thier members to tell me about hate, but most of them chose to hate me instead of answering me ...

2006-01-21 [Hefru_Maru]: Huh, I don't see why. You're such a sweet guy n.n atleast as far as i know you.

2006-01-21 [Kagomeyasha]: Hah, thanks Zolo, I'd do that, but I get sick of mysefl easily. XP it's kinda weird, and I end up deleting everything. *nods*

2006-01-21 [Lady Raven]: :) I must agree, I haven't known you for long, but reom your comments I've read you're a good guy.

2006-01-21 [zoloftzantac]: Well, thank you both *blushes* I suspect that they found something threatening about how I was challenging the way they think. (or at least what they say) They were used to debating about homosexuality, but they did not want to deal with the question, "Hate is so ugly, how can one be proud to be full of hate?"

2006-01-21 [Lady Raven]: Just because someone is putting up a good point in an arguement doesn't mean you should kick them off... jeez...

2006-01-21 [Hefru_Maru]: It's probably because they thought you were going to turn it into something along the lines of "homosexuality is good" They're so parinoid of people chalenging them, they won't answr a question about another topic where they've been arguging on one all day and night.

2006-01-21 [Hefru_Maru]: Haha if that made any sense XD

2006-01-21 [zoloftzantac]: [Kagomeyasha]: I remember I had this idea before, maybe I should do it. So, if I build it and get it started would you put a link on your house when it was ready?

2006-01-21 [zoloftzantac]: I started this wiki mostly because I wanted to talk about hate, and because I was so elfin' sick of having my comments deleted. I said when I started it, that I will never delete any comments from our wiki or our forum.

2006-01-21 [Hefru_Maru]: That's cool. And it makes sense. ^-^

2006-01-21 [zoloftzantac]: Salutations to [eyes of frost] our newest member! (wow, what a busy day! three new members!) There is really only one rule here, to please be respectful to others. Since there are many folks with very differant points of view here, being respectful is important for keeping our discussions under control. Welcome!

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